Impression compound, ZOE impression paste, Alginate, Elastomers ZOE impression paste, Elastomers for CDĮg. Agar hydrocolloid was the first successful elastic impression material to be used in dentistry. Impression compound, Impression plaster, Alginate Gel A semisolid state in which colloid particles form a framework that traps liquid (e.g. By cooling or chemical reaction it can change into a gel. Polysulphides, Polyether, Addition silicones, Condensation siliconesīased in type of impression and area of use Agar A powder derived from seaweed that is a major component of reversible hydrocolloid Sol Liquid state in which colloidal particles are suspended. No release of gas or other by-products during the setting of the impression or cast and die materials.Readily disinfected without loss of accuracy.Compatibility with cast and die materials.Dimensional stability over temperature and humidity ranges normally found in clinical and laboratory procedures for a period long enough to permit the production of a cast or die.

Impression is defined as a negative likeness or copy in reverse of the surface of an object, an imprint of the teeth and adjacent structures for use in dentistry. Also, if the ideal procedure is not followed, it will lead to a compromised fit of the final prosthesis and failure of the treatment.Impression material is defined as any substance or combination of substance used / for making and impression / negative reproduction. Conclusion: The ideal materials, technique, and armamentarium are required for the long-term success of the treatment for fixed dental prosthesis. Most of the participants used addition silicone with single mix heavy body with light body technique for making final impression and some of them used polyether. Maximum participants used hemostat along with retraction cord. 80% of them used retraction cord for gingival retraction and only few of them used elecrosurgery, lasers, rotary curettage and gingifoam. Results: Results shows that, majority of responses indicated use of irreversible hydrocolloid in stock metal tray for making the preliminary impression. Data were analyzed by using SPSS 19 software. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire was distributed to the participants. Ethical approval for the beginning of the study was obtained via Institutional Review Committee, Ibn Sina National College for Medical studies, Jeddah. Material and methods: A questionnaire based survey was conducted among the dental practitioners of Makkah region of Saudi Arabia. The aim of this survey was to integrate impression techniques evolved all over the years for fixed partial dentures and to know the techniques and materials which are used in the present day by the practitioners.